NDIS 6.0 miniport driver custom WMI event issue

Hi All,

I am implementing some event notification for the ndis miniport driver and
try to use the WMI custom event. But I am not able to receive my event with
Wbemtest tool. Here is my simple code snippet. Hope somebody can shed some light
on it.

  1. Mof event definition:

[WMI, Dynamic, Provider(“WMIProv”),
class My_Event : WMIEvent
// Required items
[key, read]
string InstanceName;
boolean Active;

[read, Description(“Event Data”),
WmiDataId(1)] uint32 EventData;

  1. Event posting code

My_Event myEvent;
GUID guid = My_EventGuid;

NdisZeroMemory(&statusIndication, sizeof(statusIndication));
qlEvent.EventData = 0xCAFECAFE;
statusIndication.Header.Type = NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_STATUS_INDICATION;
statusIndication.Header.Revision = NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION_REVISION_1;
statusIndication.SourceHandle = Handle;
statusIndication.PortNumber = 0;
statusIndication.StatusBuffer = &myEvent;
statusIndication.StatusBufferSize = sizeof(My_Event);
statusIndication.Guid = guid;

NdisMIndicateStatusEx(Handle, &statusIndication);

  1. In Wbemtest, use “SELECT * FROM My_Event” in Query Notificaiton and the
    tool takes my query and shows opertion in progress. That means my event class
    is recognized by the tool and is registered in the system. But I never the
    got any event when my driver call NdisMIndicateStatusEx with above code

According to NDIS 6.0 document:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa504019.aspx and
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa504021.aspx, NDIS 6.0 does not map
custom status indications to WMI GUIDs and miniport should not set this flag
indication for WMI event. So my understanding is we don’t need fill the
NDIS_GUID Structure for status indication(event class) and just use
NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INDICATION_EX status indication with custom event
GUID set to Guid member of NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure.

Was my understanding corrrect and did I miss anything here?


it seems WMI for NDIS is not popular topic here… I posted another WMI related question awhile back but got no response either. In fact ddk document is sparse in this area. I am wondering if the NIC driver people use WMI or just use the traditional device IO interface to communicate with user app? I know there were quite some debates about which is better in this list but I also got impression that WMI should be used for new design from Microsoft’s standpoint.

Why haven’t you mentioned looking at the one NDIS miniport in the WDK that
implements a simple WMI command set? It is for the old Intel 10/100 NIC,
but you can find them on ebay. I used that sample to implement WMI
interfaces to my driver as did someone else in our group. I did the NDIS5
implementation and he did the NDIS6 version earlier.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> it seems WMI for NDIS is not popular topic here… I posted another WMI
> related question awhile back but got no response either. In fact ddk
> document is sparse in this area. I am wondering if the NIC driver people
> use WMI or just use the traditional device IO interface to communicate
> with user app? I know there were quite some debates about which is better
> in this list but I also got impression that WMI should be used for new
> design from Microsoft’s standpoint.

Yes I looked into that sample before I started the project. It implemented fairly simple cases: class with property only and class with method only for ndis 6.0 which I don’t have any issue in my driver. But it does not have event sample and a class with both method and property. I have issues with both of them. For the second case, I contacted MS support and they have not had an answer for me yet. The WMI custom event implementation is different in ndis 6.0 and ndis 5.x. I think I followed the document but it just does not work for me. Did your people worked on ndis 6 also implement the custom WMI event?

xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

it seems WMI for NDIS is not popular topic here… I posted another WMI related question awhile back but got no response either. In fact ddk document is sparse in this area. I am wondering if the NIC driver people use WMI or just use the traditional device IO interface to communicate with user app? I know there were quite some debates about which is better in this list but I also got impression that WMI should be used for new design from Microsoft’s standpoint.

Correct, WMI with NDIS is not a popular topic.
If you are MSDN subscriber, you may try also
microsoft.public.win32.programmer.kernel newsgroup - it is monitored by
MSDN support. Also, you can try the Product support.

I’ve used WMI when I did NDIS drivers, but with simpler objects, like in
the WDK sample. Also, instead of wbemtest, we used
ExecNotificationQueryasync, like in the following vbscript code:

Sub SINK_OnObjectReady(wmiObject, wmiAsyncContext)
WScript.Echo “Received event” & vbCrLf & _
End Sub

Set objWMIServices =

strQuery = “Select * from MSNdis_StatusMediaConnect”

set objSink = WScript.CreateObject(“WbemScripting.SWbemSink”,“SINK_”)

objWMIServices.ExecNotificationQueryasync objSink, strQuery

Good luck.
– pa

I don’t remember if I ever get wmi event working with wbemtest. I used VBS to test my WMI stuff instead.

There is a full VBScript in the following thread demonstrating how to listen/react to wmi event signaled by kmd. Copyright is granted to everyone:)

Calvin Guan
Broadcom Corp.
Connecting Everything(r)

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Pavel A.
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:33 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] NDIS 6.0 miniport driver custom WMI event issue

xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

it seems WMI for NDIS is not popular topic here… I posted another WMI related question awhile back but got no response either. In fact ddk document is sparse in this area. I am wondering if the NIC driver people use WMI or just use the traditional device IO interface to communicate with user app? I know there were quite some debates about which is better in this list but I also got impression that WMI should be used for new design from Microsoft’s standpoint.

Correct, WMI with NDIS is not a popular topic.
If you are MSDN subscriber, you may try also
microsoft.public.win32.programmer.kernel newsgroup - it is monitored by
MSDN support. Also, you can try the Product support.

I’ve used WMI when I did NDIS drivers, but with simpler objects, like in
the WDK sample. Also, instead of wbemtest, we used
ExecNotificationQueryasync, like in the following vbscript code:

Sub SINK_OnObjectReady(wmiObject, wmiAsyncContext)
WScript.Echo “Received event” & vbCrLf & _
End Sub

Set objWMIServices =

strQuery = “Select * from MSNdis_StatusMediaConnect”

set objSink = WScript.CreateObject(“WbemScripting.SWbemSink”,“SINK_”)

objWMIServices.ExecNotificationQueryasync objSink, strQuery

Good luck.
– pa

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Thanks guys! Yes the vbscript and Wbemtest works for the standard NDIS event StatusMediaConnect but not my custom event:( Anybody ever make the ndis 6.0 miniport custom event work? I probably have to contact the MS product support.