WdfRequestSend Fails with STATUS_CANCELLED


WdfRequestSend Fails with STATUS_CANCELLED after I purge a IOTarget. Below
is the sequence of things I am doing:

1> Purge IO Target with WdfIoTargetPurgeIoAndWait. In completion routine I
mark the request for resuse.
2> Start the IO Target with WdfIotargetStart and resend the events to IO
Target. I don’t see any failure in starting the target but when i send the
request, WdfRequestSend fails. I used WdfRequestGetStatus to get the
status and it return STATUS_CANCELLED.

Does anyone know what going wrong here?



Stopping the target with purge will cancel all outstanding io and the request is left in the cancelled state. Call wdfrequestreuse to reset the state


From: Ruby Siddhumailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?1/?31/?2013 9:14 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] WdfRequestSend Fails with STATUS_CANCELLED


WdfRequestSend Fails with STATUS_CANCELLED after I purge a IOTarget. Below is the sequence of things I am doing:

1> Purge IO Target with WdfIoTargetPurgeIoAndWait. In completion routine I mark the request for resuse.
2> Start the IO Target with WdfIotargetStart and resend the events to IO Target. I don’t see any failure in starting the target but when i send the request, WdfRequestSend fails. I used WdfRequestGetStatus to get the status and it return STATUS_CANCELLED.

Does anyone know what going wrong here?



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