wdfDeviceCreate fails with STATUS_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT

I have modified the kbfiltr example from the DDK so that it will create a raw pdo on the video stack. The xxxxx_CreateRawPdo routine fails when it calls wdfDeviceCreate. The error code is 0xc00000d7 (STATUS_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT). Looking up the error code it says “Indicates an attempt was made to operate on the security of an object that does not have security associated with it.”.

The code is basically the kbfiltr example, but it passes GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY to wdfPdoInitAssignRawDevice.

As far as I am aware I am not doing any security operations. I can only assume that wdfDeviceCreate expects some security descriptors to be set up before it is called.

Run this with correct symbols and it will tell you why this error code is bring returned

!wdfkd.wdflogdump (your driver name)

also, GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY is probably a poor choice for a device class. Use your own guid or no guys at all


debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@trdeo.co.uk
Sent: 6/27/2012 1:24 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] wdfDeviceCreate fails with STATUS_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT

I have modified the kbfiltr example from the DDK so that it will create a raw pdo on the video stack. The xxxxx_CreateRawPdo routine fails when it calls wdfDeviceCreate. The error code is 0xc00000d7 (STATUS_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT). Looking up the error code it says “Indicates an attempt was made to operate on the security of an object that does not have security associated with it.”.

The code is basically the kbfiltr example, but it passes GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY to wdfPdoInitAssignRawDevice.

As far as I am aware I am not doing any security operations. I can only assume that wdfDeviceCreate expects some security descriptors to be set up before it is called.

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