STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED is received from NTFS when attempting to read the file EA


My FS filter use NTFS file Extended Attributes to store per file metadata.

EA is read during IRP_MJ_CREATE processing just before completing the

EA is read successfully most of the time, but sometimes I receive
STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED attempting to read the file EA.

I would appreciate if any help with this problem.

I believe you can get this if there’s already a reparse point on the
file. Is it an NTFS symlink by any chance?


[] On Behalf Of Vadim Zeltser
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:40 AM
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntfsd] STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED is received from NTFS
when attempting to read the file EA


My FS filter use NTFS file Extended Attributes to store per file

EA is read during IRP_MJ_CREATE processing just before
completing the request.

EA is read successfully most of the time, but sometimes I
receive STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED attempting to read the file EA.

I would appreciate if any help with this problem.

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No, it is a regular file. And its EA was successfully read previously.