STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL for error in IO operations?

Hello all,
In my disk device driver (running in WinXP), I keep
the read requests pending. In a separate thread, I
service the read requests. During some error
conditions, the thread returns STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL for
the pending read(s). During any windows file i/o
operation (like Copy from DOS prompt), I expected this
return value to cause the file i/o operation to stop
with an error. But instead, I observe the DOS window
to be hanging (no error displayed, just stays there,
as if waiting for something). I donot receive any
other Irp during this time from the IO subsystem.

Should I return some specific error code instead of
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL, inorder for Windows to cancel the
I/O operation? Is there a well-defined way to inform
device errors to windows during IO operations?


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