unresolved external symbol __chkst

Programming considerations aside, is there a simple way to correct this.

I see my drivers import this from ntoskrnl.exe
But I am getting a report that some configuration get this failure.

link -dump -imports xx.sys

1401CE1C0 Import Address Table
140603258 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference

9E0 __chkstk

xxxxx@yahoo.com wrote:

Programming considerations aside, is there a simple way to correct this.

Well, the programming considerations are important. The fact that this
is being referenced at all means you have a function with more than 8k
of local variables. The kernel-mode stack space guard page thing only
handles one page at a time.

I see my drivers import this from ntoskrnl.exe
But I am getting a report that some configuration get this failure.

Although the export is provided by ntoskrnl.exe, the entry point is not
actually present in ntoskrnl.lib. If you really don’t want to chase
down the source of your potentially dangerous stack allocation, you need
to link with libcntpr.lib.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

This question has been asked no less than 23,454 times in the last ten plus years.

For example, see here for the reply somebody asking this same question got in 2003:


As I wrote in 2003:

Use less stack space and recompile.
