How communicate from Printer Driver on Client Host to own Printer Monitor on Server

I have developed a printer driver on postscript base. This printer uses a own port monitor. In this monitor i configure some values. This values are stored in registry by windows-driver-functions. If i share my printer from my print server the client is able to connect to the Printer. The Printer driver is installed on client system well and i can use the printer. But i need the values form the port. The port is not installed on the client. So how to get the information from the port? The port is running on Server. But i need the portinformation also in the driver on the client.

My port implementation has a Monitor2 struct initalisation with a wonderfull GetPrinterDataFromPort Function. But how to call this function from driver?

In the driver i have no PortHandle. I need it in DocumentsEvents when iEsc == DOCUMENTEVENT_STARTDOCPOST.

Thanks for all ideas to solve my problem.