ShellexecuteEx failed with ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH

I’m developing a network redirector using RDBSS.

In our network redirector volume, a executable file which is packed Inno Setup(Open source packer) can not be run.
When we do double-click the file in Windows Explorer, the Explorer shows this messagebox.


ShellExecuteEx failed; code 1203.

The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available. Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator.


It works well on 32bit Windows. Only 64bit Windows is problem.
I guess it is related with npdll or MUP. We have implemented npdll, and I thought it doesn’t have any bug now. - Of course we also have npdll 64bit version.
Other executable files and any files work well.

When we run this file in Windows SMB volume, it runs fine.
Could you guess anything about this?

P.S Is there a good document describing how MUP works? If you know, let me know please.
