I am facing below problem with video miniport driver on Windows 2000 OS where VideoPortInitialize function always returns STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH (0xC0000059), same code works fine for windows 2003.

I have initialzed VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure with size as:

hwInitData.HwInitDataSize = sizeof(VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA);

I am following mirror driver sample from WDK 2008, even I tried initializing HwInitDataSize as SIZE_OF_W2K_VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA for windows 2000, but no success. Please do let me know if I am wrong.


I was able to get the driver loaded on windows 2000 after deleting driver’s service registry key. New problem is neither “uninstall” option is not displayed in device manager nor devcon remove works for this device node.

Only way to uninstall is delete the service…has anyone faced this issue earlier with mirror driver on windows 2000?