
I’am on filesystem disk driver,
i use runtime oplock :
Example :
status = FsRtlCheckOplock(VDFSGetFcbOplock(Fcb), Irp, vds,
VDSOplockCompleteForCleanUp, VDSPrePostIrpForOplock);

How i do for test oplock function ?
How i do for simulate simulation for these functions (VDSOplockCompleteForCleanUp or
VDSPrePostIrpForOplock ) to be called ??

I implement the oplock and I am unable to say if it complies.


There are some very very good oplock tests in WLK. But for individual
testing the (amazing) Filetest utility had the ability to test oplocks added
to it recently (in the last 5 years anyway)


In FileTest I view “Oplock grayed”. Inusable because button are grayed.

I added , i tested since directly native drive windows then the
button “Oplock file op?rations” are grayed.

I dont have the MSDN to hand but I know that it says somewhere that the
handle has to be opened non syncrhonous. Try that

First you need to go to the NtCreateFile tab and open the file. Make sure
it is a NON synchronous open.
After the successful open you go to file ops and from there do you oplock
You can open several FileTest instances to test with different oplock
scenarios etc…


On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 8:40 PM xxxxx@sivaller.no-ip.org <
xxxxx@lists.osr.com> wrote:

I added , i tested since directly native drive windows then the
button “Oplock file opérations” are grayed.

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