Windows filtering platform callout execution time

from this link
the classify function should execute as soon as possible. I filtering plackets at layer 2 but I want to wait for the user app to reply with allow or block action and in my classify function I will only wait for 5 seconds and if the user app delays then it continues by the block action but I want to know if 5 seconds is too much for the classify function running at dispatch_level to wait or I should just proceed

You won’t be able to block directly within your classify function at
dispatch level, at least not waiting for a user mode response. You’ll
need to queue these requests up to a worker and then process them
asynchronously, similar to how the stream edit (stmedit) sample in the
DDK functions.


Kernel Drivers
Windows File System and Device Driver Consulting

------ Original Message ------
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Sent: 3/16/2017 10:25:22 AM
Subject: [ntdev] Windows filtering platform callout execution time

>from this link
>the classify function should execute as soon as possible. I filtering
>plackets at layer 2 but I want to wait for the user app to reply with
>allow or block action and in my classify function I will only wait for
>5 seconds and if the user app delays then it continues by the block
>action but I want to know if 5 seconds is too much for the classify
>function running at dispatch_level to wait or I should just proceed
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