More 1394 adventures under 32-bit Win 7 Pro

This is my first post here so please forgive any unintended transgression.

Our upper-level driver has worked well with the now ‘legacy’ 1394bus and ohci1394 drivers for a number of years under XP and Vista. Our driver now works well most of the time with the 1394ohci driver, new with Win 7. But, occasionally, it hits a problem; a STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error is set for the IRP’s IO_STATUS_BLOCK.Status member.

I have enabled autotrace on the 1394ohci driver, following instructions given by Don Miller in a separate thread in this Forum. I have the trace in a .etl file.

Can anyone recommend a free or inexpensive viewer/reader of ETL files?

Is anyone on the Win 7 Product/Engineering Team interested in seeing the trace? I should mention that it took significantly longer to reproduce the error condition with autotrace on 1394ohci enabled.

Thanks a bunch in advance.


Depending on the providers assigned to the tracing session for which you have created the ETL file (ETW-Classic, ETW-Crimson, ETW-WPP) there are different tools that are best viewers.

tracerpt.exe -of CSV -tp .etl -o Trace_csv.txt

tracefmt.exe .etl -p -o Trace_fmt.txt

For Crimson/Classic, I would get xperf.exe from this packaget.

Just a follow-up -
I tried all three viewers mentioned by Ivan and in all cases, I see a lot of numbers in the text output generated by the viewer but I am unable to decipher anything ‘telling’ from them.

More to the point now -
Our upper-level driver occasionally reads IRP’s IoStatus.Status as set to STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED after completion is signalled (waiting using KeWaitForSingleObject) following a REQUEST_ISOCH_FREE_BANDWIDTH operation. The error is reproducible after 300 to 1000 allocate and deallocate bandwidth ‘cycles’.

Are we making an error in the set-up of the IRB which can cause this error? What are the situations that can cause an ACCESS_DENIED error from REQUEST_ISOCH_FREE_BANDWIDTH operation?
We are not setting the IRB_FLAG_ALLOW_REMOTE_FREE flag, nor are we setting the IRB_FLAG_USE_PRE_CALCULATE_VALUE flag. We are using SPEED_FLAGS_400 for Speed Flag.

We see this ACCESS_DENIED error with the 1394ohci driver (v.6.1.7600.16385) but never with the legacy 1394bus & ohci1394 drivers (also v.6.1.7600.16385).

I have the 1394ohci auto-trace file (ETL format) just in case anyone over at MSFT wants to take a look at it.

Thanks all.


Hi S.Neoh,

Please send me the etl file at donmil at microsoft dot com. This is most likely a known issue but will need to log to make sure.



Thanks Don for your prompt response!
I just sent you the zipped ETL file.