Test signing drivers -- need testroot.cer

Hi all.

I submitted some cab files to winqual for test signing, they sent me back
the test-signed cab files, but no instructions on how to use them. On the
internet I found this old MS document

(the document does no longer exist on winqual, that’s why I reverted to a
google-cached one…)

and it basically says that I need to install the testroot.cer file in the
trusted root certification authorities. But they didn’t provide me such

Does anyone have this file? I wanted to test all this stuff today, and the
winqual mail alias takes usually 12-24 hrs to reply…

Have a nice day

This doc walks you through the signing process, step-by-step with examples:


I’ll have a look at the document, but in any case the web page says:

This paper provides a beginning-to-end walkthrough of how to digitally sign
kernel-mode software for x64 versions of Windows Vista.

I need to test a test-signed driver on Vista 32bit and on XP, and the
test-signed CAT file was test-signed by Microsoft (winqual).


----- Original Message -----
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:48 AM
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Test signing drivers – need testroot.cer

> This doc walks you through the signing process, step-by-step with
> examples:
> http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/drvsign/kmcs_walkthrough.mspx
> —
> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at
> http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?id=256
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