Windows 10 RS1-2-3-4 and the lack of documentation

Where to find the latest documentation and “how-to” about new
functions and APIs? I see lot of interesting new things was added in
the latest WDK/SDK headers, but almost nothing of that is not
documented in the MSDN nor in the official WDK/SDK samples.

What is IRP_MJ_QUERY_OPEN (and flag 4 of the ‘SupportedFeatures’)?
I see that all inbox minifilters now have SprtFtrs=7. 1 and 2 flags
are for ODX support, but what is the ‘magic’ 4 value?


Any examples to process the IRP_MN_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY_EX?


VBS enclaves and LoadEnclaveImage/CallEnclave/etc - really curious,
but where to find a working sample? Do I need to sign enclave?
How to sign?

What is the main purpose of the VslCreateSecureSection and
VslDeleteSecureSection functions?

MSDN wrote:

“This material is not yet available. This placeholder topic is
provided as an example of documentation that may be
included in a later release”.

Microsoft releases two grandiose major updates for Windows 10
every year, but can’t add several MSDN topics? I can’t believe it.

Time to give this note a bump. Now that there is a new WDK ouit with new and exciting pseudo-major Irps (IRP_MJ_QUERY_OPEN )