BluetoothSelectDevices API Win 8.1


I am using BluetoothSelectDevices API function mentioned at

On Win7 and other OS flavors, this API works as expected and the BT devices in the neighborhood appears in the picker.

When same code is run on Win 8.1, no BT devices are shown in the picker. The simple console based application code is mentioned below. Please provide pointer to missing things. The hardware configuration in all the machines are same.

scanningCOD.pcszDescription = _T(“Scanners”);
scanningCOD.ulCODMask = 0x00;

bsdp.cNumOfClasses = 1;
bsdp.prgClassOfDevices = &scanningCOD;

bsdp.pszInfo = NULL;
bsdp.hwndParent = NULL;
bsdp.fForceAuthentication = FALSE;
bsdp.fShowAuthenticated = FALSE;
bsdp.fShowRemembered = TRUE;
bsdp.fShowUnknown = TRUE;
bsdp.fAddNewDeviceWizard = FALSE;
bsdp.fSkipServicesPage = FALSE;
bsdp.pfnDeviceCallback = NULL;
bsdp.pvParam = NULL;
bsdp.cNumDevices = 0;
bsdp.dwSize = sizeof(bsdp);

bRes = BluetoothSelectDevices( &bsdp );
