WDF: MSIx interrupt Handling

Implemented MSIX interrupt feature for a KMDF driver for a PCIe device
and set the affinity policy as “IrqPolicySpreadMessagesAcrossAllProcessors” in
INX under InterruptManagement, to bind each interrupt to one processor.

  1. created 4 interrupt objects in add device callback.(1 for error interrupt, 1
    for tx and 2 for rx).
  2. when checked using debugger after loading, !wdfkd.wdfinterrupt each interrupt

object assigned message id from 0 to 3 respectively. But Interrupt Priority
Policy is “WdfIrqPriorityUndefined” and Processor Affinity Policy is

No reply from anyone. even from people of MSFT.???

You SERIOUSLY expect an answer in 9 hours… when all the time zones in the US have been asleep while you asked your question. Do you realize it is still 6AM in Redmond?

Following up so quickly, and in a demanding way, is considered to be *extremely* rude behavior, and is not likely to earn you respect (or a quick answer) from any senior members on this list.


if I recall correctly what you request and what you get are two different
things. What you get depends on what the os and the hardware support.

Mark Roddy

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:07 AM, wrote:

> No reply from anyone. even from people of MSFT.???
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Hi peter,
I posted the question before 24 hours which was not clear. Hence I modified and reposted again. I didn’t mean to demand. If you felt as rude and demanding sorry about that.