ISA IRQ weirdness

Hi Everyone,

I have an ISAPNP attached device which gets assigned resources via an INF
file using the LogConfig directive. In here I assign IRQConfig and

When I assign IRQConfig=5, I see in my raw resources list passed into the
START_DEVICE routine a vector=5 and level=5. After connecting the
interrupt, using the translated resources, everything works fine.

When I assign the IRQConfig=7, I see raw resources as vector=7 and
level=5A0007. The call to IoConnectInterrupt(), using the translated
resources, succeeds but the driver never receives any interrupts.

Should I be suspicious of the incorrect level value in the raw resource
list? Could this be causing the problems I am seeing where the driver does
not receive any interrupts?

Thanks for reading!

Disregard RawResources. When you cal IoConnectInterrupt, you should use translated resources.

Remember that IRQ lines on ISA are separate lines that go to all devices. You need to tell your device that you’re using IRQ 7 line.