The NT Insider

Quick Tool
(By: The NT Insider, Vol 9, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2002 | Published: 04-Nov-02| Modified: 04-Nov-02)

ENABLE is a utility provided in the Windows XP DDK that allows the user to enable and disable devices within a GUI application.  Its interface is similar to that of Device Manager.  What is nice about this utility is that the source code for it is located in the SRC\SETUP\ENABLE directory. 

Like the DEVCON utility, ENABLE makes heavy use of the ?SETUPDI? and ?CM? (Configuration Manager) interface.  Thus, developers will find it is a great learning tool to use and understand those interfaces.  It?s also a great tool for those who just need a simple interface in order to enable and disable their devices during testing.

No space to elaborate here, but if you?ve got a quick tool you think will help out kernel mode developers, drop us a note and we?ll consider a detailed review!

The Enable Utility

This article was printed from OSR Online

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