The DDK is a toolbox full of marvelous tools developers need for writing drivers. Often overlooked, the DDK macros support a number of valuable capabilities for the programmer. Unlike the kernel calls, most of these macros are not described in the DDK documentation. While using undocumented kernel calls can lead to trouble, macros are self-documenting since the source resides in the DDK include files. The following is not an exhaustive list of all the macros the DDK provides, but these can make your development easier and more reliable.
Status Value Tests
Driver writers all know and use NT_SUCCESS even though it is not truly documented in the DDK. Very few developers realize that NT_SUCCESS is one of a set of macros that tests the four severity levels of NTSTATUS. All of these calls except NT_INFORMATION appear in the DDK examples.
NT_SUCCESS tests for a value with a severity of success or informational
NT_INFORMATION tests for a severity value of informational
NT_WARNING tests for warning severity
NT_ERROR tests for an error level
For example, let’s look at NT_SUCCESS with the status from IoRegisterDeviceInterface:
status = IoRegisterDeviceInterface(pdo,InterfaceGuid,NULL,&symLink);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
// Now this driver is the provider for this interface– WRONG!
The above example could return an informational error, STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS, and the assumptions of the code later on could be violated, if the driver depends on being the provider. The code should be:
status = IoRegisterDeviceInterface(pdo,InterfaceGuid,NULL,&symLink);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && !NT_INFORMATION(status))
// Now this driver is the provider for this interface – WRONG!
Common “C” Macros
The DDK provides some common macros found in many “C” programming environments. For instance the DDK provides max(a,b) and min(a,b) for the developer. A common code fragment seen in drivers:
if (b>a)
{large = b;}
{large = a;};
Where the following will do:
large = max(a,b);
Another common “C” macro returns the number of elements in a static array. The DDK provides this as RTL_NUMBER_OF(A). One of my favorite uses of this is to manipulate static lookup tables, for instance:
static PCHAR a[] = { “abc”, …,”xyz” }
for (i = 0; i <= RTL_NUMBER_OF(A); i++)
// enumerate all the elements of A
In addition, if you need to do this for an element of a structure, the DDK supports RTL_NUMBER_OF_FIELD (type, field) that will return the number of elements of a field of the structure.
Structure Manipulation
Two macros that every developer should be aware of are CONTAINING_RECORD(address,type,field) and FIELD_OFFSET(type,field). CONTAINING_RECORD takes the address of a field of a structure of a given type, the type and the name of the field, and returns a pointer to the beginning of the structure. FIELD_OFFSET takes a structure type and a field name and returns the byte offset of the field. For example:
typedef struct {
FOO bar;
LAST behind;
l = RemoveHeadList(set);
The next two macros are extremely useful for variable size structures. If you ever need to pass around a structure where not all fields are allocated, look into, RTL_ SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(type, field) and RTL_ CONTAINS_FIELD(struct, size, Field).
typedef struct {
EXT1 extension1;
EXT2 extension2;
// call to check extensions when only extension1 is present.
check_extensions(p, RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(extension1));
void check_extension(PFOO p, ULONG size)
If (RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD (FOO,size,extension1))
// perform checks on the first extension
Constant Strings
How many times have you used RtlInitUnicodeString, RtlInitString or RtlInitAnsiString with a constant string? It turns out the DDK has a macro that can eliminate the call:
const static STRING str = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING( "Foo");
const static ANSI_STRING strA = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING( "Foo");
Instead of:
RtlInitUnicodeString(&FooU, L"Foo");
RtlInitString(&Foo , "Foo");
RtlInitAnsiString(&Foo , "Foo");
Data Alignment
Another common problem for developers is dealing with type alignment. The DDK provides some simple macros to aid in this effort, ALIGN_DOWN_POINTER(address, type) and ALIGN_UP_POINTER(address, type) will respectively round down and round up a pointer to the alignment of the type. For example you may need to allocate a buffer for a number of data structures where the last element is a string, but you want to guarantee the start of each structure is has a ULONG alignment:
Typedef struct {
ULONG len;
CHAR str[1];
p->len = strlen(input);
The DDK also provides macros to round a length value up or down to a type alignment, via ALIGN_UP(length, type) and ALIGN_DOWN(length, type).
Compile-time Asserts
Most developers are aware of the ASSERT macro, but how many use C_ASSERT? This handy macro will perform compile time assertion checking in your code. For example, the following will compile with an error:
#define LARGEST_BUFFER 100
#define SMALL_BUFFER 1000
Parameter Macros
Another useful set of macros handle some simple parameter problems. If you use /W4 to compile your code you have probably encountered warning messages complaining about unused arguments. The UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER macro will take care of these warnings. One of the documented macros is ARGUMENT_PRESENT. While it simply tests for a null pointer, it helps clearly indicate the intent of the code. For example:
VOID MyDpcRoutine(IN PKDPC Dpc,IN PVOID DeferredContext,
IN PVOID SystemArgument1,IN PVOID SystemArgument2)
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Dpc); // Dpc parameter is not used
If (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SystemArgument1))
// Perform work on SystemArgument1
Don Burn is a Windows system software architect, specializing in drivers and file systems, with over 25 years industry experience. He's currently consulting while developing fault-tolerant technology for Windows. Don can be reached at