Windbg script fails at alias expansion

The below windbg script always fails. I couldn’t figure out what I am doing wrong.

$$ print all imported function names. ${$arg1} base address of a loaded image

.block {
.expr /s c++
r $t1 = ${$arg1} + ((ntdll32!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)${$arg1})->e_lfanew
r $t1 = ${$arg1} + ((ntdll32!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)@$t1)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress
r $t0 = 0

aS ${curImpDesc} ((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR*)@$t1)[@$t0]
.while (${curImpDesc}.Name != 0) {
.printf “\n Imported Image: %ma\n”, (${$arg1} + ${curImpDesc}.Name)

r $t2 = 0
r $t3 = ${$arg1} + ${curImpDesc}.OriginalFirstThunk

aS ${curThunkData} ((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32*)@$t3)[@$t2]
.while (${curThunkData}.u1.AddressOfData != 0) {
r $t4 = ${$arg1} + ${curThunkData}.u1.AddressOfData
da &(((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME*)@$t4)->Name)
r $t2 = @$t2 + 1
r $t0 = @$t0 + 1

ad ${curImpDesc}
ad ${curThunkData}


I wrote this script to print the imported image name , followed by all the imported function names. If I run this script line-by-line all going fine and I get the expected output. But if I run it as script file, then I am getting error

0:065:x86> $$>a< “D:\import.wds” 0x74e70000
Unexpected character in '${curImpDesc}.Name != 0) {;…

there are some serious discrepancies in the script
you are setting c++ expression and then using masm expression inside
the blocks at several places

you have a module named ntdll32
it is not clear what is that module and if it contains the relevent
type information which you are using

you are again using a module (Mydll_00) which again appears to be suspect

alias expansion needs a .block{}

and the loops are going to be troublesome to debug or provide an useful answer

why are you writing this script in first place if getting the imports
is the only requirement then windbg’s !showimports does
that for you

if you are trying to learn scripting
split your script into pieces unroll all your loop
and start with one step at a time

if you were writing it for some learning purpose adapt this script

this script was done for for x86 32 bits pe file windows calc in window 7

$$ an arbitrary constant #defined
r $t19 = 0n10

$$ script argument Modulebase as string like 0xc0000
r? $t1 = ${$arg1}

$$ pe header of the module
r? $t2 = @$t1 + ( (ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *) @$t1 )->e_lfanew

$$ va of import directory
r? $t3 = ( (ntdll!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *) @$t2

$$ dumping arbitrary imports from the module provided

r? $t5 = (ole32!IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *) (@$t3+@$t1)
.printf “==================\nImports From First Dll\n==================\n”
.for(r $t18 = 0; @$t18 < @$t19; r $t18 = @$t18+1)
r? $t6 = (((ole32!IMAGE_THUNK_DATA *) ((@$t5->OriginalFirstThunk)
+ @$t1) + @$t18)->u1.AddressOfData + @$t1)
.if(@$t6 == @$t1)
.printf “==================\nImports from next
.elsif((@$t6 & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
.printf “\nimported by ordinal\n\n”
?? (char *)((ole32!IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME *)@$t6)->Name

if you execute the above script you should get 0n0 imports printed like this

0:000> $$>a< c:\impydumpy.txt 0x840000
Imports From First Dll
char * 0x00892352
char * 0x0089236c
char * 0x00892380

imported by ordinal

char * 0x0089238e
Imports from next dll

imported by ordinal

Imports from next dll
char * 0x008923a0
char * 0x008923b0

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On 8/14/17, wrote:
> The below windbg script always fails. I couldn't figure out what I am doing
> wrong.
> ==============================================================
> $$
> $$ print all imported function names. ${$arg1} base address of a loaded
> image
> $$
> .block {
> .expr /s c++
> r $t1 = ${$arg1} + ((ntdll32!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)${$arg1})->e_lfanew
> r $t1 = ${$arg1} +
> ((ntdll32!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)@$t1)->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress
> r $t0 = 0
> aS ${curImpDesc} ((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR*)@$t1)[@$t0]
> .while (${curImpDesc}.Name != 0) {
> .printf "\n Imported Image: %ma\n", (${$arg1} + ${curImpDesc}.Name)
> r $t2 = 0
> r $t3 = ${$arg1} + ${curImpDesc}.OriginalFirstThunk
> aS ${curThunkData} ((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32*)@$t3)[@$t2]
> .while (${curThunkData}.u1.AddressOfData != 0) {
> r $t4 = ${$arg1} + ${curThunkData}.u1.AddressOfData
> da &(((Mydll_00!_IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME*)@$t4)->Name)
> r $t2 = @$t2 + 1
> }
> r $t0 = @$t0 + 1
> }
> ad ${curImpDesc}
> ad ${curThunkData}
> }
> ==========================================================
> I wrote this script to print the imported image name , followed by all the
> imported function names. If I run this script line-by-line all going fine
> and I get the expected output. But if I run it as script file, then I am
> getting error
> 0:065:x86> $$>a< "D:\import.wds" 0x74e70000
> Unexpected character in '${curImpDesc}.Name != 0) {;....
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