MESSAGE LABS SPAM: RE:[ntdev] DbgPrint not always prints out

Thanks all the useful comments, it is working now with the prototype. Without the prototype the upper DWORD part of the 64 bit address was cleared out.

I never understood the why of ObReferenceObject calls, I recelty put up with C++ and python where I learnt about reference counting of objects and even though kernel driver development is not object oriented, all starts to makes sense now.

Saved the day!

  1. március 27. 16:18 napon írta:

PsGetProcessImageFileName is present in NTOSKRNL.LIB. So you just need the prototype.


But be careful, the returned pointer is the address of a UCHAR[15] array that belongs to the _EPROCESS structure.

kd> dt nt!_EPROCESS
+0x000 Pcb : _KPROCESS

+0x450 ImageFileName : [15] UChar

This is confirmed by the disassembly:

kd> uf nt!PsGetProcessImageFileName
fffff803b6969b30 488d8150040000 lea rax,[rcx+450h] // 0x450 is ImageFileName's offset fffff803b6969b37 c3 ret

So the access should be read-only and the EPROCESS object should be referenced before it is used and dereferenced after it is used. Of course when you deal with an undocumented function, everything may vanish at any time.

You can monitor process creation/termination with PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx and get much more reliable informations.

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